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Vietnam: Communication campaign in Thai Nguyen and Yen Bai provinces
By: VNGO-FLEGT / Centre for Sustainable Rural Development Vietnam (SRD)
Published: January 25, 2016
Countries: Vietnam
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Document ID: 3881
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Vietnam: Communication campaign in Thai Nguyen and Yen Bai provinces

June 15, 2014. The People’s Committee of Yen Binh district (Yen Bai province) and Phu Luong district (Thai Nguyen province) in collaboration with The Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD) and VNGO-FLEGT Network members conducted a communication campaign to raise awareness of community on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade.

More than 200 delegates including heads of agencies, departments; the People’s Committee of two districts and representatives of forest- dependent households and communities participated in this communication campaign.

At this campaign, participants have improved knowledge and understanding on illegal timber; how to deal with the illegal timber logging, trade and FLEGT through communication materials with famer- friendly contents and games.