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Numopoh community forest: delta timber company in disregard to Liberian forestry laws
By: Volunteers to Support International Efforts in Developing Africa (vosieda)
Published: December 31, 2018
Countries: Liberia
Document type: Report
Document ID: 6971
View count: 1900
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Numopoh community forest: delta timber company in disregard to Liberian forestry laws

An Independent Forest Monitoring (IFM) investigation into complaints of illegal logging and non-compliance by Delta Timber Company (DTC) in Numopoh Community Forest in Sinoe County.

Since the inception of a company-community agreement in May 2016, there have been reports of persistent infractions by the company. DTC’s obligation to the community include payment of Cubic Metre Fee and Area Fee, construction of a clinic and a school, provision of scholarships, and hiring community members in key positions in the company. To date, there is no evidence that DTC has met any of these obligations.

The report highlights the need for FDA be much more diligent in following due process when supervising the negotiation and implementation of Commercial Use Contracts in community forests. It also highlights how key obligations to the community owning the forest need to be included in the definition of legal timber from community forests in order to comply with the Voluntary Partnership Agreement signed between Liberia and the European Union.