A reference copy of the Community Forest Management Agreement (CFMA) signed between the People of Nitrian Community and the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) of Liberia. It was signed on 16 September 2011. It has a duration of 15 years and is located in Kpanyan District, Sinoe county. It is surrounded by the Golden Veroleum Liberia (GVL) oil palm Area of Interest.
A second copy is available on the LEITI website.
It was designated a conservation community forest, and was initially supported by the US-funded Land Rights and Community Forestry Program (LRCFP). Various challenges regarding the community, GVL and others have been documented:
- 3 October 2011: FDA, local communities sign historic forest management agreement
- 23 December 2014: GVL—Nitrian Provisional MOU incorporating Social Agreement
- 23 July 2015: The new snake oil? Violence, threats, and false promises at the heart of Liberia’s palm oil expansion
- 15 January 2019: Sinoe community conserving its forest but gets no support
- 12 August 2021: Broken promises! SDI and Milieudefensie probe finds GVL guilty of human rights violations in Liberia
This document was uploaded as part of the NUCFMBdata initiative.