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Liberia National Forest Management Strategy
By: Government of Liberia
Published: June 1, 2007
Countries: Liberia
Document type: - Other -
Document ID: 3651
View count: 1184
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Liberia National Forest Management Strategy

The aim of the National Forest Policy of Liberia is to conserve and sustainably manage all forest areas so that they will continue to produce a complete range of goods and services for the benefit of all Liberians and contribute to poverty alleviation in the nation. In order to achieve this aim, the following specific objectives are pursued:

  1. To ensure that commercial forestry, community forestry and forest conservation activities are integrated and balanced to optimize the economic, social and environmental benefits from the forest resource.
  2. To conserve a representative sample of forest ecosystems so that important environmental functions are maintained.
  3. To contribute to the national development goals of poverty alleviation and increased food security by increasing the opportunities for forest-based income generating activities, especially for forest-dependent communities.
  4. To grant more equitable access to forest resources so that the potential for future conflict is reduced and the benefits from forestry development are shared throughout Liberian society.
  5. To ensure tenure security for rural communities’ forestland holdings and safeguard their rights to conserve and use forests on their communal lands for their individual and collective well-being.
  6. To institutionalize the principles of good governance, including ensuring that all stakeholders participate in the formulation of forestry policies and in the conservation and management of the forest resource.
  7. To maximize the contribution of the sector to income, employment and trade through the development of appropriate processing activities.
  8. To ensure that forestry development contributes to national development goals and international commitments (including regional cooperation and trans-boundary issues) and is coordinated with other relevant branches of government.
  9. To ensure that activities in the forestry sector (including forest management, plantation development, harvesting, conservation and industrial development) are based on sound scientific and technical principles that minimize waste and associated environmental and community health problems.
  10. To ensure that the working conditions of those within the forest sector are in accordance with internationally regarded best practice.