Integrating governance monitoring into IM-FLEGT and IM-REDD to improve forest governance
Jonathan W. Yiah, Sustainable Development Institute Liberia
May 11, 2017
Independent Forest Monitoring (IFM), REDD+
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Integrating governance monitoring into IM-FLEGT and IM-REDD to improve forest governance
Ensuring transparent and participatory forestry reform (FCRC-2005 and FRMC-2006)
- Began on cleaned slate – no old concessions and new forestry reform law (NFRL 2006)
- Progressive NFRL provisions on stakeholders (communities and CSOs) participation and monitoring
- Specific provisions for stakeholders participation in developing new legal frameworks
- Completion of CRL and regulations (2009 and 2011)
- REDD+ processes not fully participatory compared to VPA, although there were efforts to involve CSOs
- FPIC principles left to interpretation by concessionaires
- TFA2020 could be a useful vehicle but definition of deforestation problematic