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Gobal observatory on non-state climate action: Climate Chance synthesis report 2019 on climate action by sectors.
By: Climate Chance
Published: November 1, 2019
Countries: Other
Topics: Climate Change
Document type: Report
Document ID: 8446
View count: 726
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Gobal observatory on non-state climate action: Climate Chance synthesis report 2019 on climate action by sectors.

Following the first 2018 Synthesis Report on non-state climate action, a synthesis on major action trends and initiatives led by non-state actors since the adoption of the Paris Agreement in December 2015, this second edition aims to evaluate (based on available data), the difficulties and progress achieved, by identifying the drivers of the
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions trajectories. This 2019 “Sector based Book” focuses on evolutions that occurred in the main sectors of GHG emissions, from energy production to waste, building, transport, industry and land use.

Rising emissions:

This analysis of non-state actors’ action is carried out in a context of growing emissions, which
increased by 1.7% in 2018 among G20 countries, compared to 2.2% in 2017 (Enerdata 2019 – fig. 1). This
continued increase, after several years of stagnation, shows that the world is unable to decouple
GDP growth from emissions. In 2018, as Enerdata reveals, it is indeed sustained economic growth
within the G20 (+3.8% on average) mainly driven by non-OECD countries, which explains the continuation
of this trend.