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Assessing Community Consent in Large Scale Land Investments in Ghana
By: Civic Response
Published: May 3, 2017
Countries: Ghana
Document type: Academic research
Document ID: 3418
View count: 1667
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Assessing Community Consent in Large Scale Land Investments in Ghana

Large land acquisition is a major issue now more than ever, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa which is seen as the hub of large unused and available agricultural lands. The global food crisis in 2008; the need to acquire large lands to produce biofuels; carbon capturing and other local demands have renewed this interest for land.

One of the crucial elements during the land acquisition process is the role of tenant farmers,community members, and landowners. The Free Prior Informed Consent concept provides an avenue to address concerns of local communities and indigenous peoples in land acquisitions in implemented right. Civic Response, with funding support from the EU sought to interrogate the application of elements of this principle in selected areas of large land acquisitions for forest-related projects.

The study revealed that large scale land acquisitions in the country, especially within the frame of Customary tenure do not meet the FPIC guidelines and the requirements of most of the laws and policies of the country.