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CS-IFM Briefing #10: Low capacity, elite capture in Gheegbarn 2 Community Forest
By: Civil Society Independent Forest Monitors Liberia (CS-IFM)
Published: May 31, 2023
Countries: Liberia
Document type: Briefing note
Document ID: 9607
View count: 1181
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CS-IFM Briefing #10: Low capacity, elite capture in Gheegbarn 2 Community Forest

This policy brief highlights the exclusion of the larger community from forest governance in the face of dominance by a few community members who have positions in the Community Forest Management Body. Some leaders of the community forest committees feel more accountable to the Forestry Development Authority than to the community that appoints them. They demonstrate too much interest and authority defending the company against the community and believe the government and the logging company owners have more authority over the management of the forests than ordinary community members.  The conflicts among community members have been used by the logging operators to exploit the forest resources.