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Supply of legal wood to the domestic market
By: Nature and Development Foundation (NDF)
Published: April 16, 2020
Countries: Ghana
Topics: FLEGT
Document type: Briefing note
Document ID: 8610
View count: 1305
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Supply of legal wood to the domestic market

Whilst there are companies in Ghana that produce legal timber products, there is not enough legal wood readily available for domestic use. A policy proposal for the supply of legal timber to the domestic market was drafted 2011 with a goal to ensure supply of legal timber on a sustainable basis, promote good governance and provide a framework that facilitates production and trade in legal timber on the domestic market. This policy brief highlights that the political will by successive governments to strictly enforce the ban on illegal chainsaw milling operations and trade has been inconsistent. Thus, measures to address illegal chainsaw operations have largely failed due to increasing demand for wood on the domestic market, rural unemployment, inequitable timber revenue-sharing arrangements, weak capacity of regulatory agencies to enforce the law and unattractive domestic prices. The brief concludes that these factors are disincentives to sawmills to supply lumber to meet the demand gap.

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