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Forests play a key role in tackling climate change
By: Coordination Sud, Fern
Published: January 17, 2020
Countries: Other
Document type: Briefing note
Document ID: 8268
View count: 1670
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Forests play a key role in tackling climate change
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This briefing note from Coordination SUD and Fern analyses the issues we need to address to ensure forests help deliver tropical forested countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). This includes respect for communities’ rights and preserving their livelihoods, protecting and restoring biodiversity, and improved forest governance. Tackling these challenges will require effective civil society participation.

The note also summarises recommendations from a meeting on NDC’s role in protecting forests which Coordination SUD and Fern organised on 1 October 2019 in Paris. This event, hosted by the French Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition, brought together nearly 100 people from French and international NGOs, development agencies , French companies and public and European institutions.