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Liberian community guide to the VPA
By: NGO Coalition for Liberia / Civil Society Independent Forest Monitors Liberia (CS-IFM)
Published: January 1, 2013
Countries: Liberia
Document type: Training material
Document ID: 3687
View count: 1011
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Liberian community guide to the VPA

This community guide introduces the main concepts of the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) between Liberia and the European Union. It explain that illegal logging is not good for communities or the citizens of Liberia as it stops communities from getting their rightful share of benefits from forests, and means that communities are not compensated for the loss of the forest in their areas. It also means that forests may be logged unsustainably, and not protected for our children’s children. It also is bad for citizens, as companies that log illegally do not pay the correct taxes to national and local government. The government then has less money to provide healthcare, education and infrastructure to its people. The main goal of the VPA is to make sure that the forests are managed well and looked after, so that they can continue to provide benefits to present and future generations.