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CS-IFM Briefing #11: Kpokolo – A form of illegal logging in Liberia’s forests
Par: Civil Society Independent Forest Monitors Liberia (CS-IFM)
Publié: juin 21, 2023
Pays: Libéria
Type de document: Note d'information
Document ID: 9603
Nombre de vues: 802
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CS-IFM Briefing #11: Kpokolo – A form of illegal logging in Liberia’s forests

This policy brief presents evidence collected in the first part of 2023 of illegal logging through chainsaw milling in Liberia. It points to foreign investment and the exportation of sawn timber from Liberia’s forests. There is evidence of about 30,000 cubic meters of ekki, iroko, and Afzelia harvested in unauthorized community forests for export, which is a breach of the law and undermines sustainable forest management. The Government of Liberia has banned kpokolo (blockwood) production in Liberia but is yet to decide on what action to take on the violation and logs harvested by the loggers.