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Financial management training manual for Community Forestry Management Bodies
Par: Sustainable Developmetn Institute (SDI)
Publié: janvier 31, 2022
Pays: Libéria
Type de document: Matériel de formation
Document ID: 9323
Nombre de vues: 517
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Financial management training manual for Community Forestry Management Bodies

As part of efforts to support the capacity of Liberia’s Community Forestry Management Bodies (CFMBs) to manage their financial resources, SDI provides training and resources to enhance the efficiency and timeliness of financial resource management, based on this Bookkeeping and Financial Management Manual.
The information provided in this manual assists CFMBs to account for and manage grants received and other finances. By accounting for funds in a more systematic way, enhanced trust will be created between the CFMB itself and the community members whom it represents.
The manual is simple to use and can serve as a reference guide after training. The manual is not exhaustive, but the knowledge obtained from training using the manual can be build upon through further training, practical demonstration of the concepts, and personal pursuit of deeper understanding of bookkeeping.