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CFDC Press Release: Land rental fees
Publié: juillet 31, 2015
Pays: Libéria
Sujets: FLEGT, REDD+
Type de document: Note d'information
Document ID: 3441
Nombre de vues: 715
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CFDC Press Release: Land rental fees

On Friday July 17, 2015, the GOL deposited One Million ($1,000,000.00USD) in the account of the National Benefit Sharing Trust (NBST), the mechanism through which affected communities can directly access their benefits from land rental fee payments made by logging companies. This amount represents a 50% part payment of the Two Million, One Hundred Twenty Three Thousand, Five Hundred Nineteen dollars, Two Cents ($2,123,519.02) that have currently been paid by logging companies to the government of Liberia for affected communities.