This report presents findings from an assessment study on quality of participation of civil society actors in REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) and FLEGT VPA (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade – Voluntary Partnership Agreement) processes in four countries of Africa: Cameroon, Ghana, Liberia and Republic of Congo.
The study was part of an EU funded project, coordinated by Fern on ‘Tackling Deforestation through Linking FLEGT and REDD+’ for which the quality of participation in REDD+ and FLEGT was outlined as an indicator to assess one of the project’s specific objectives (i.e. key REDD+ safeguards are respected in practice).
The focus of the assessment study on civil society participation is at national policy making level in FLEGT and REDD+ processes. Building on key literature on participation and research on civil society participation in REDD+ and FLEGT, a questionnaire tool was developed and applied in practical case studies of the four countries. The analysis is drawn from the interview materials based on the questionnaire tool; some in-depth interviews; and secondary research in these countries.