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CS-IFM Briefing #5: A study on the management and governance of Cubic Meter Fees in three FMCs
Par: NGO Coalition for Liberia
Publié: novembre 10, 2015
Pays: Libéria
Type de document: Note d'information
Document ID: 3385
Nombre de vues: 758
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CS-IFM Briefing #5: A study on the management and governance of Cubic Meter Fees in three FMCs

CS-IFM(2015) Management%26GovernanceM3Fees3FMCsBrief[05]The Civil Society-led Independent Forest Monitors of the NGO Coalition of Liberia assessed the management and governance of Cubic Meter Fees paid directly to communities by logging companies in Liberia. In the past, communities affected by logging activities did not receive any benefits. Today, one of the benefit flows communities receive are direct payments (Cubic Meter Fees) from logging companies, and communities are using this money to enhance their development in different ways through participatory decision making. This brief seeks to highlight the improvements local people have made by initiating development at the local level, free of external influence. It also raises some issues and calls for greater support to communities to manage their funds.