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Kpayarquelleh citizens benefit from forest revenues, build health clinic
Par: Sustainable Development Institute (SDI)
Publié: juin 7, 2022
Pays: Libéria
Type de document: Note d'information
Document ID: 9276
Nombre de vues: 912
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Kpayarquelleh citizens benefit from forest revenues, build health clinic

A case study of Kpayarquelleh community in Liberia, showing what communities are able to achieve with sufficient funding. It focuses on the benefits derived from the community’s Social Agreement with the logging company Alpha Logging in Forest Management Contract (FMC) A.

  • The study shows that when communities receive all the benefits owed to them from logging and are able to make informed decisions about how best to use these funds they can effectively execute development projects.
  • Ten towns comprising the affected communities of the part of FMC A that lies in Lofa County agreed to run a medical clinic with medical staff, a dispensary and a delivery unit. The annual running costs are about US$ 12,000.
  • An underutilized clinic has been brought back into use. This has reduced the risk of child and maternal mortality, thereby contributing to a key aspect of the national development agenda.
  • With lack of government support and dwindling income from logging, however, the challenge now is to find the funds to maintain the clinic.