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Workshop report: Community Forestry in Liberia – a review of challenges, opportunities and other options
Par: Sustainable Development Institute Liberia (SDI)
Publié: novembre 23, 2017
Pays: Libéria
Document ID: 3923
Nombre de vues: 875
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Workshop report: Community Forestry in Liberia – a review of challenges, opportunities and other options

From experience and observations, community forestry practice in Liberia has not been adequately informed about genuine community forest management and as a result it is performing poorly. However, given that Liberia’s forest management is now focused on community forestry it is incumbent upon the Government of Liberia, civil society and donors to support communities in order to ensure they are in control and are directly benefiting through this opportunity. SDI organized a workshop that brought together members of Community Forestry Management Bodies (CFMBs) and other participants selected from communities that have applied for Authorized Community Forestry status and are at various stages in the application progress. This is the report from the workshop, the expected results of which were:

  1. Increased understanding of different approaches, besides logging, to community-based forest management.
  2. A list of dos and don’ts for CFMBs and communities that have applied for and/or or have been
    awarded a Community Forestry Management Agreement (CFMA), both during the application process and in subsequent engagement with logging companies or other third parties.
  3. Increased understanding of the CFMA application process, including challenges that the pre-CFMB Community Forestry Organizing Committees (CFOCs) are likely to face during the process.