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Paving the way: learning from Ghana’s VPA process to help meet cocoa commitments: TFA 2020 side event
Par: Civic Response, Fern
Publié: juin 18, 2018
Pays: Ghana
Sujets: FLEGT
Type de document: Mises à jour des APV
Document ID: 3759
Nombre de vues: 1279
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Paving the way: learning from Ghana’s VPA process to help meet cocoa commitments: TFA 2020 side event

On 17 May 2018, on the sidelines of the TFA2020 General Assembly (held in Accra from 14-18 May 2018), Fern and Civic Response Ghana held a side event on learning from Ghana’s Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) process to help tackle deforestation in the cocoa sector. The event was intended to inform current commitments in the cocoa sector, in particular the Cocoa & Forests Initiative (CFI), launched in November 2017 by the governments of Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire and international chocolate companies.

The event ended with a lively debate amongst all the event participants, bringing together perspectives from Ghanaian civil society & government bodies, European governments, international NGOs, and industry representatives.

This short note presents a summary of some of the main lessons drawn from the conversation, of how successes in Ghana’s VPA process could be brought into the cocoa sector.