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Forest Governance Monitoring Framework
Par: Sustainable Development Institute Liberia (SDI)
Publié: février 9, 2016
Pays: Libéria
Type de document: Rapport
Document ID: 3552
Nombre de vues: 791
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Forest Governance Monitoring Framework

This monitoring framework developed by SDI broadens an ongoing civil society independent forest monitoring initiative to include monitoring access to information, participation in benefit sharing and community rights involving REDD+ programs currently ongoing in the Liberian forest sector. It offers an opportunity to harness synergies between FLEGT/VPA and REDD+ initiatives since both are keen on promoting community rights and participation in benefits redistribution. The monitoring framework is designed to be used by the SDI across the country and through this publication is made available to other CSOs, including the CS-IFM team, to adopt and use during their monitoring activities.