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CS-IFM: résumé of initiatives prepared for Ghana CSOs
Par: Nature and Development Foundation (NDF)
Publié: février 14, 2018
Type de document: - Autre -
Document ID: 3496
Nombre de vues: 899
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CS-IFM: résumé of initiatives prepared for Ghana CSOs

This brochure provides a very short summary of some of the different civil society-led independent forest monitoring initiatives currently being implemented. It groups these into three types:

  • Emphasis on mandated IFM, and forest operations: Cameroon, RoC, DRC, CAR, Ivory Coast and Gabon.
  • Emphasis on initiatives led solely by civil society, but with legal backing: Indonesia, Liberia.
  • Emphasis on citizen-reporting and digital technology: Cameroon, DRC, Ghana, Liberia, Peru.

The brochure was prepared for a forum on CS-IFM held in Accra, Ghana, on 14 February 2018.