This report synthetizes the results from the very first analysis conducted using the Index.The ultimate purpose of ACRN’s African Community Land Transparency Index is to close this gap by providing updated and comparable data to decision-makers, communities, academics, NGOs and others key stakeholders involved with the land administration and management. The Index is driven by many innovations. One of such innovation is it ability not just assessing the law, but also the extent to which the law is implemented and enforced. Another crucial innovation of the Index is the Naming and Praising approach, which is an attempt to showcase countries with good legislations and practices, and commend them as best practices to share for others to emulate. The Index therefore aims to offer a learning platform for exchange among different African countries, instead of endlessly reinventing the wheel.
The data have been collected in eight African countries – Congo Brazzaville, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Liberia, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Ghana – by senior NGO experts. Research consisted of qualitatively responding to 28 indicators (the Index) using personal expertise, a literature review and interviews with relevant actors in the countries.