On 6 & 7 June 2018 SDI organized a workshop that brought together members of the National Union of Community Forest Management Bodies (NUCFMB) to update them about community forest management processes and gather their perspective more broadly. It included discussions on the development and implementation of Community Forest Management Plans and inputs to draft template for negotiating Commercial Use Contracts with third parties interested in logging in community forests. A total of 34 persons including 28 males and 6 females participated in the workshop. 30 were selected from CFMBs, three from the NGO Coalition and one from the National Union of Community Forestry Development Committees (NUCFDC). The speakers included one from FDA, one from the NGO PADEV, two from Heritage Partners & Associates (HPA), and one from SDI. Dayugar Johnson, Country Consultant for American-Jewish World Service, facilitated the two-day workshop.
Subsequent work by SDI and others, supported by ClientEarth, led to the finalization of a Commercial Use Contracts Legal Guide: Negotiating and implementing the CUC in Liberia.
The workshop report, produced by SDI, is available here: Community Forestry-Workshop report, June6-7