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Accelerate the implementation of the VPA-FLEGT and involve the civil society and communities in the process in Cameroon
By: Communities and Forest Platform
Published: May 16, 2018
Countries: Cameroon
Document type: Statement
Document ID: 3387
View count: 1189
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Accelerate the implementation of the VPA-FLEGT and involve the civil society and communities in the process in Cameroon

The Voluntary Partnership Agreement on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade of Timber and Timber Products (VPA-FLEGT) between Cameroon and the European Union (EU) came into force on the 16th of December 2011. The civil society is a key actor in the process since the VPA-FLEGT negotiation phase and during its implementation. The Community and Forest Platform (CFP) had already noted in its position paper of January 2017 the achievements of the FLEGT process after six years of implementation. These included improving forest transparency in Cameroon, promoting the participation of communities and civil society in the forest management process and better consideration of communities’ rights in Cameroon.

In addition, this position paper was presenting the need to strengthen these achievements and made recommendations in this regard. The CFP also called on the Parties to renew their political commitment in the VPA process as well as the need of strengthening the momentum of the process to effectively address the challenges related to forest governance in Cameroon.

More than a year after, the CFP notices a slackening in the implementation, as well as a step backwards on some achievements. The CFP, while congratulatingEU and Cameroon for maintaining EU VPA-FLEGT, would like to reiterate the emergency of taking necessary measures to strengthen the implementation of the Agreement.